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 Présentation anglais

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sebastien Papis
12 participants

Nombre de messages : 34
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2007

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyMer 26 Nov - 14:09

Présentation anglais

Salut à tous

Voici un bref résumé de mon projet présenté en cours d’anglais, suivi des deux extraits que j'ai diffusé:

My film is untitled « Croc Notes », it has been directed in Archive’group. The objective in this group was to create with an archive material and to value it.
I chose to work with an old cartoon : the Croc notes show. I wanted to make a documentary on it but it was a flop and nobody had any interest in it, so I decided to work from an other point of view. I decided that the croc notes show would be a base to speak about childhood and links between memory, places and people.
In archive you have a real work of research the material with wich you’ll work. I had to pirate all the extracts of the cartoon because one can find it only in the INA pro website and it’s not open for students. I also work with my family video archive that I had to change the support, and I shot sequences myself to obtain video of the building where I lived when I was a child.
I made my film alone so I wish I had had more time, and I wish I had made a film less personnal to show it more easily. Sebastien Derrien made a part of my soundtrack and I wish I had finished my film earlier to let him more time. I also wish I had found an actress to play and speak because I’m not an actress.

extrait 1 :

extrait 2 :

(Caroline Travassac groupe : 11h-13h)

Dernière édition par caro le Mer 26 Nov - 14:38, édité 3 fois
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Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2008

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyMer 26 Nov - 14:27

Voici la mienne:

vocabulaire: anglais

acrostiche: acrostic

f: Fa
a: La
e: Mi

Fade: musical effect: crescendo , decrescendo

sonification: sonification
mathematical parameter:

nombre d'or: golden ratio: 1,61, mathematical constant
suite de fibbonacci: fobonacci sequence ( coquillage, shell)

note de musique: musical note

3 string quartet:


I) musical Acrostic because is name was create on english musical notation

Fade because it's also musical effect

II) Created on sonification. because its evolution was base on the used of mathematical parameter.

Each tracks used a effect (reverb, echo, doppling shifter...) and their effects, their effect paramaters change to fallow golden or fibonacci sequence.

I wish i had had more time
i wish i had found easier quartet samples
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sebastien Papis
sebastien Papis

Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 18/11/2007

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyMer 26 Nov - 16:04

Hell tous! moi j'ai pas le courage de me taper un résumé ou un lexique alors je balance ma présentation mais vous inquietez pas c'est pas long!

My Project was to create the soundtrack of a science fiction short film entitled “Ernie Carb Hammett”. The film lasts approximately 15 minutes and is separate in 2 parts. The first part is really futurist and take place in a virtual world, and the second part of the film take place in the real world. But we didn't have any budget to do this film so it doesn't look really futurist. That 's why I had big work to render an impression of futurist environment with the sound.

So to create the music I was helped by a composer because I wanted to create a mix with orchestral music and some electronic sounds. And I couldn't compose the orchestral music alone. So my friend has helped me on the orchestral part of the music and I have done the electronic part. I wanted electronic sounds to underline the fact that the action of the film take place in the future.

For all the sound effects I chose to create my own sound library with naturals or ordinary sounds like a car, birds, city sounds, forest sounds, and work with many effects to modify them and create sounds which do not exist yet in the real world. To do this work, I have used effects like pitch, time stretch, delays; reverberations, equalizers, Doppler effects, and sometimes I have mixed 3, 6 or 8 different sounds. I spent very a long time to this work because it was difficult to find the best level of each sound and the best adjustment of each effect to obtain the sound which I wanted.
It was difficult to find the good sound too. Sometimes I knew which sound I wanted, I heard it in my head but sometimes I hadn't any idea of this sound, so I looked pictures and I tried to find a sound which appeared realist or which was the most representative of the action.

For example, for the sound when the letters appear on the screen, I had an exact idea of which sort of sound I wanted but not how I could obtain it. So I began to listen attentively all the sounds of my environment and I chose 3 sounds which interested me particularly : the sound of an old phone with a dial to compose the numbers. When you compose a number and when the dial turn back, the sound of a bell, and the sound of a hammer. So I recorded them, and I put a frequency filter on each sound, a Doppler effect to give the impression that the sound goes from left to right and from right to left.

I wish I had had real musicians to record the music
I wish I had had a best microphone to record the sounds of my environment
I wish I had obtained a budget to have visual special effects more realist and more futurist

SEB (du groupe de 11h 13h)
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Nombre de messages : 13
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2007

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyMer 26 Nov - 16:19

Même si je ne fais plus partie du cours, je mets quand même ma présentation, au cas où elle en parle :

Stephane and the perfect draft (2008)
(Stéphane et le brouillon formidable)

This movie has been realised during David Faroult’s archive workshop.
It’s about the genesis of a movie, in this case, Jeanne and the perfect guy (Jeanne et le garçon formidable) by Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau.

The beginning of the project :

It all started with my love of cinema : I wanted to do an archive project about cinema so I choose a film I liked for putting together a militant speech about AIDS and musical scenes including singing and dancing.

My first idea was to put cinematographers’ work in the spotlights, working on their preparations of how to light a scene or frame it. I tried to contact the crew ten years later, especially the director of photography, Matthieu Poirot Delpech. I met him but he wasn’t available for interview. I wish I had managed to stage a filmed interview.

But the good thing is that, at the same time, I met the DP, I also met the directors, OD and JM. I talked to them and learnt about the existence of a pilot : four scenes of the film had been shot one year before the production to help the production team finance the movie.

Filming the archives :

I started to research this pilot and its realisation. I met the producer who explained to me the differences between the pilot and the film. He helped me a lot by giving me a film copy of the pilot and all of his paper archive about the pre-production, that I had to film using a home made caption stand.

Then I found a theatre to screen the pilot and film it with a video camera. But I didn’t realise that the sound format couldn’t be read in this theatre. I wish I had anticipated this problem so I could have had the sound in this musical scene.

After this, I met the directors again and they gave me their archives too, including a special gift : a videotape of the pilot they found in their basement.

Editing the movie :

Now I had all the elements to do a film : an interview, a pilot and plenty of scripts, notes and production documents, all I had to do was to organise it into a movie.

To mix the different kinds of material I had, I thought the best solution was to use an experimental form. I worked on different effects and tried to set archives against one another. I wish I had used a different software to create those effects because they sometimes look amateur.

At the end I worked on the music and rhythm of the film. I wanted the sequences to be clearly separated but the rhythm to be constant, as if you were dragged along by the movie.

Movie’s life :

Once the movie had been finished, I showed it to the producer and the directors of Jeanne and the perfect guy. I was anxious about it, but they all liked it.

Then we organised a screening of all the workshop’s movies and I obtained feed-back from the others who all liked it too, surprised by the final shape of it.

The icing on the cake happened when I heard a message on my voice mail saying that Stephane and the perfect draft had been selected for a festival. I had the opportunity to show a six-month work on a big screen to a theatre audience !
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Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2007

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyMer 26 Nov - 18:48

Last year, i was in the archive section. We have been asked to make a film including archive pictures. The duration of our movie mustn't have to exceed 8 minutes approximately. The project I made have two main themes.
It's about Tv in the first part and about the new uses of multimedia in a second part.


A man gets into his room. He mechanically turns his tv on, wheras he lays on his bed. Then he sees a condensed content of Tv pictures. ( money games, bad music like eurovision, sex, Sarkosy everywhere).
He is bored about it, so he switches the tv off and go to his computer. Then he decides to resarch a song and then, thanks to the editing, we can see the whole and same song interpreted in a lot of different versions, by different people.
The main character goes to bed and the he dreams about himself playing the song in the same way ( I mean with different voices and rhythm).

The biggest part of my work was the editing process. Indeed, I spent a lot of time adjusting the sound, in order to obtain something homogeneous between the various interpreters of the same song.
Furthermore, to give some rhythme to the film, I had to insert several shots of the character, while he is using his computer during the whole song. I wasn't very experienced in movie making before that so I'm glad to have made a film from the begining to the end.

I wish the meaning of the project had been more explicit for spectators, more accessible to viewers, witheout such explications befoire showing it.
I wish I had a more recent camera with a finest picture quality.
I wish I had a bigger room to facilitate the shooting.

J'ai montré des extraits du zapping tv qui ressemble a celui de canal plus puis du montage de youtube où on voit différentes personnes interpréter chacun de leur manière la chanson bien connue de tous: smell like teen spirit de nirvana.
En mettant bout à bout ces extraits des différentes interprétations, la chanson se recompose entièrement.

J'espère que c'est assez clair pour ceux ki nétaient pas là...

Stanislas de Poulpiquet
grpe 11-13h
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Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2008

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyDim 30 Nov - 23:14

Alors moi j'ai un problème, je n'ai pas gardé ce que j'avais fait, donc je vais vous écrire mes souvenirs mais je pense avoir des pbs de vocabulaire ... notamment pour dire malentendant; la prof traduit cela Hearing-impaired il me semble mais je ne sais pas comment dire malentendance du coup (qui n'existe meme pas en français !!)...
Désolé pour mon anglais quelque peu exécrable... bon courage à tous

Bon, en gros mon sujet c'est la perception sonore et l'impact du son et de la musique sur le développement physique et psychologique des malentendants !! et je conclus en gros qu'en effet la musique a un impact réel, sur le mental indéniablement mais également sur le corps. Et je voulais démontrer que le fait même de ne pas percevoir les sons (et donc la musique) empêche d'avoir accès à ces bénéfices... voilà, voilà ...

The sound perception and the impact of sound and music in the development of the hearing impaired

Hearing is one of the five senses and an essential function in the perception of external information.
I wanted to center my dissertation on testimonys and the lived psychological one of the hearing impaired.
By collecting various opinions of doctors, otolaryngologists, audioprothesists and speech therapists, as well as panel of hearing impaired, I hoped to find aswers to the various hypothesis that I had emited. My main aim is to show if there is or not a relation between hearing impaire (??) and physical and psychological developments. And also, if the musical sensitivity of the hearing impaired is different from that a normo hearing.
I approached what is the sound perception (relations between the auditive system and the brain). In a second time I showed that the sound and the music have an influence on the personal development (physics anr/or mental)...
Finally I approached the consequent difficulties with the hearing impaired, this by basing me on testimonys which I collected but especially on my own experiences (because I'm hearing-impaired).
I wanted to show that if the people reached of more or less severe hearing impaired cannot hear all the sounds, they thus do not have access for the benefits of the music. And consequently cannot benefit from all these feelings of pleasure which one can feel with the listenning of the music.

I wish I had had more time
I wish I had had morte contacts with my teacher who helped me
I wish I had interviewed more hearing-impaired

(250 Million people reached of disorders of hearing in the world.
5 million individuals in auditive deficit in France ( 1 child over 1000))

Desnoyer Amélie
groupe 11-13h
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Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2008

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyLun 1 Déc - 1:24

Je poste également la présentation de Nour Bchir (également dans le groupe de 11 à 13h).

Le vert Luisant (Nour a composé la BO de ce film réalisé par Thomas Prioli)

Last year, for my memoir, I wanted to study the way that a composer makes the score of a film or another. So I decided to do the exercise by myself for different rythms. For example, I always loved to play music and composing in particular. So make the music of a film was one of my musical dreams and this project represented an amazing occasion for me. Furthermore, to study this domain, it's seemed to me that a personnal experience was a good approach. Then a crew of cinema students contacted me and offered me to be the composer of their film, and it was the beggining of our collaboration.
Le vert luisant is the title of this short film, 13 minutes more or less, directed by Thomas Prioli. The particularity of this story lie in the 2 youngs characters. In fact, their are two autistics teenagers who meet a psychologist everyday in a classroom. They don't speak at all and seem like strangers in this reality. But we can't see not in the same time, Antoine et Sophie live in a kind of parallel world where there are alone. This other reality is very dark and we can feel the gloomy atmosphere of this place. But in this world Antoine and Sophie communicate and react normaly.
The part of the music in this film is very important and very interesting for a composer because the music can show what the images and characters don't say. For example : there is an immaterial and surnatural connection between Antoine et Sophie in the classroom, in our real world. But, if the music don't focus on that, wa can't understand this special link.
So to bring out the filmwith consistency, I decided to do some researches about autism. It was the first stage of my work.
I thought a lot to the composition process in this particular case : where must I put music, why and how. It wasn't easy because in this film, the music have different functions : an illustrative function, and a narrative function too.
At least, I tred to make a strong correspondance between music and autistic perception. So I chose electronics sounds, piano melodies and a lot of effects.
Then I mixed them according to the rtyhm of the images and the general structure of the score.
The recording was difficult : I didn't have the appropriate equipement for this exercise. Si it was long and tiring. But I did it, and it was very interesting, funny, and instuctive.
I'm happy to have collaborated to this project and, honestly, I think it's a good short film. Of course, I have some regrets, like everyone in the artistical universe. I had only 3 days to compose the music and record it, so I wish I had had more time.
I wish I had paied more attention to the stereo (because I exported my project in mono).
Finally, I wish I had attented the editing of the film because O couldn't ustify some of my musical choices to the director who move 2 or 3 extracts and mixed other.
So his version didn't match to mind, but he gave me a copy of a film whithout the sound to make my own musical editing.
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Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2008

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyLun 1 Déc - 12:35

Voici mes notes(Aurélien, Groupe de 11h 13h):

Tissus & Os

I had to make the soundtrack for a short movie called “Tissus & Os”, the soundtrack included the sound effects and the original music.
First I’m going to talk about the theme song of the movie and then some of the sound effects I’ve used.
The movie’s about a man who lost his wife, his daughter is very hard on him and he’s becoming crazy. During the movie, he’s wearing the dress of his wife.The movie shows the state of mind of the guy.One of the scene which inspired my music was the one when the man walks down the street wearing the red dress, he walks alone, screaming and doing weird stuff…
Let’s see some important sequences of the movie for my music:
-First Scene
-Walks alone(The sequence gave me a kind of the tempo for the song, something unstable, not regular, kind of rubato.)
The man was the main inspiration for the music, I kept his face’s expression in head all the time I was writing the music.
This guy is sick and insane, so let’s make some sick music, using dissonant chords and chromatic melodies.
It’s a figurative music which underline the craziness of the man. This piece is called the red dress theme.
As for the sound FX, I was really free, Daniel gave me the video and I had to work on it.
I used a synth called zebra to create these sounds, what we call “stab” sound, very fast and aggressive sound.
I wish I had a pianist to play the song, maybe a friend of mine will play it, but I think that my bad piano playing gives the song a sort of insane feel.
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Nombre de messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2007

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyLun 1 Déc - 21:46

Salut à tous. Voici mon exposé. Je suis dans le groupe de 11h à 13h et c'est en Cinéma.

En français, j'explique que j'ai voulu réalisé un documentaire sur la nouvelle mode electro (Tecktonik en gros) qui se traduisait par des looks et des danses nouvelles (2 danses principales : Jumpstyle et Vertigo). Ce phénomène touche les ados.
Mais je n'ai pas pu finir ce doc car j'ai eu plein de problème (j'étais tout seul au second semestre, les ados ne sont pas pro, pb techniques aussi).

Voila la fiche en anglais, bon courage Wink

Electro Fashion.

Last year, I wanted to direct a documentary on the electro music’s world in order to explain the new tendency that touched all teenagers, more commonly called “the clubbers”. Most of these young people have very distinctive looks and dances’ styles that change as the usual. I knew one of them and, with a classmate; we were introduced into the phenomenon.

It was an innovating project because this new tendency wasn’t known from the public yet at this time. At first the Medias went wrong because they didn’t reflect the reality of the phenomenon: nobody had really penetrated the background. My documentary aimed to give answers to the several questions. My objective was thus to follow three different dancers belonging to the same dance team and to interview them in the aim of understand how they had entered the background and which are subtleties of this phenomenon. So I discovered that several styles existed within this fashion, in particular the dance style. Thus, on the 3 dancers, there were two boys who danced in duet, in parallel of their studies and work, and who wished to make known their dance, the jumpstyle. The other dancer was a girl called Lili Azian who danced Vertigo. Contrary as most of the others dancers, she succeeded in the electro and today, it has become her sources of income. She took part in famous clips, participated to televised shows and made a tour with a dance group called Mondotek.

To understand how they lived, it was necessary to go in the temple of the electroclubbing, a nightclub called Metropolis. In this night club, the entire phenomenon has begun in the summer 2007 and gathers today most of the Parisian teenagers. This fashion has even spread in the whole France then has touched Switzerland, Belgium, the Maghreb and even Japan.

Unfortunately, I gave up this project for plenty reasons. In spite of a good beginning I reached to obtain authorizations for filming in the nightclubs, and in their clothes’ shop. I also reached to have the agreement of the whole dancers group but I had to face several problems. The first one is a technical one: the sound level wasn’t good during the shooting in the club because the university had given me an erroneous record tape and the post-synchronization was complicated.
In January, I had to face the return to Mexico of my classmate for the second half-year. I was alone for the main part of the project which became difficult because of the late delay we had taken. Nevertheless I tried to continue but I encountered another important problem: the teenager’s behaviors: No professionalism. Once they arrived either late, or didn’t come at all (with ridiculous excuses). These behaviors have blocked me because I had a limited loan for the material. I wish I had worked with adults but this tendency gathered teenagers and I didn’t have the choice. Then, other issues (weather, quarrels etc…) which weren’t expected came therefore I decided to give up the project.

Contrary to Terry Gilliam in “Lost In Mancha”, I hadn’t the motivation, neither courage, nor time to edit a small making off. But in spite of the failure of this project, I learned enormously from things on the documentary and especially on the way of managing a team of “actors”. I saw where I failed, and I wish I had had a little more luck. But finally I take this experience on the right side; like that I’m not going to do the same mistake for my next projects.
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Nombre de messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2007

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyLun 1 Déc - 21:49

Dsl, Slump est mon pseudo. C'est l'exposé de Audryc pour ceux qui ne se souviennent pas. Même si ça ne sert pas à grand chose :S
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Nombre de messages : 22
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2007

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyJeu 4 Déc - 18:04

Virginie, 11h-13h, court-métrage multimédia "Rêves et revers"

The project for multimedia students was a short film. The theme was “the city”, so the main element to which we had to pay attention was the sets, which were made with photographs modified with Photoshop. We had to film actors on a blue screen, then place them in the set, and animate the whole, adding some animated elements.

My film

I tried to adopt silent films aesthetics; there are colours and sounds, and like in old movies, music plays a very important part. The title is ‘Dreams and grieves’ (‘Rêves et revers’). The story is based on an opposition between two models of cities: on the one hand there is the gloomy city, with all sorts of elements associated with big cities, like tall and threatening buildings, busy business men, frightening animals and loneliness. On the other hand there is the perfect city, with nice and colourful “Art nouveau” style-like buildings, birds and butterflies, smiling people. But this perfect city soon becomes quite worrying.
The two examples of cities >>> Extracts : 3’45-4’50 et 7’44-8’56

What the rules and objectives were

What interested the teacher was the fact that every student had to play the part of a director, that’s to say the head of a crew. He also wanted the student to develop one’s personal imaginary world.

Material and technical difficulties

Making this movie was hard-work, with all kinds of problems, material, technical, even human problems. One of the main difficulties while making this film was the fact that I was a complete beginner with cinema and computer knowledge.
I also had equipment difficulties at the university. We had to film on a blue or green screen, but the university did not have one yet. So the teacher offered us to take his own blue screen. Then we needed more than the two lamps normally allowed to the students, and it was quite hard to obtain the two supplementary lamps.
We were only two people on the shooting, and I did not know anything about material issues, so the camera operator had all the technical jobs while I had to deal with a very long actors making up and the direction, which is not easy when the actors have to imagine the settings.

The big material problem was with the camera itself, which was a HD camera. I wish the person from the equipment room had warned me against shooting in high definition, because it appeared I could not derush from the same camera, and we needed a HD camera to do it. Finally I could do it on a friend’s camera, and save my film.
But the more discouraging problem was the teacher’s departure. Because he was at the same time a freelance graphic designer he gave up our lessons, he couldn’t hold with both jobs. This was not very psychologically encouraging.

Dreams and grieves

My goal was to create and develop a tale-like story. I wish I had known a little more about techniques and technology to be able to be more distanced from the effects and play more with them, and to gain time in order to pay more attention to sounds for instance, which could have been more elaborate. But I also wish the university and the teacher had been more helpful.
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Nombre de messages : 9
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2007

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptySam 6 Déc - 18:29

Salut tout le monde,
voici un petit résumé de mon exposé pour l'anglais

I made my film C’est fini entre nous last year for the course, filmmaking project. C’est fini entre nous is about a little girl who lives with her grandmother who believes in superstitions as well as God. One day she decides to follow the grandmother’s way to obtain a good grade. However she fails and she loses her faith to the grandmother and to God.

I’ve made it alone in which it was very difficult. Making a film requires a group work.

During a script and editing period, the theacher intermeddled too much into my project. I wasn’t agree with him on several points in terms of scenario, dialogues and narrations of the film. He was more conventional or more traditional I could say. At the end, l didn’t have enough time to discuss. I finished my film by the direction of his advice. I was supposed to use an original music as a soundtrack. However because of lack of time, l used music of a Turkish group that l was listening a lot when l was young.

I am going to re-edit it soon. I wish l hadn’t listened too much the teacher, because it was my story, so l should have insisted more about my views, opinions.
It was really hard to make a film alone, and it is very important to make your team with motivated people that you get on well with. I wish I had met people who had more willing for a film project. It is important to be keen on cinema and filmmaking. You need time to do all. I wish I had had more time to prepare all well.
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Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptySam 6 Déc - 19:57

bon j'allais oublier: Aurélien (11h-13h)

ma présentation:
Last year I did a short film called Verso Virtuel with a friend from Marne-La-Vallée. It was directed by Julien Prieur, a student friend from La Sorbonne. I was the sound recordist on the shoot, and also the sound editor & mixer.
I arrived on the project while the script was to be rewritten several times, so I was explained very soon what was the director’s requests for the sound & music.

To sum up the story, it’s three guys living in the rich suburbs of Paris, and who commit robberies in big houses in the area. The main character does it essentially to expérience the thrill of doing criminal activities, the feeling of being an outlaw. The money come secondary, cause he and his friends come from the middle-class and aren’t short of it.
So during this film we see the story of Sam — the main character — and his friends who attend to make a robbery, which unfortunately for them will end really badly.

Since it was his personnal project, we were really short of budget, all of the money caming directly from the director’s association. For that principal reason, our shooting Schedule was really tight, and we had three days to shoot the movie.
For the Sound I used the sound digital recorder Tascam HD-P2, and done all of the post-production on Pro Tools. The sound on this short film was to be really usual, not so many sound effects, but mostly direct sound, music & voice-over. For me the shoot didn’t happened in the best conditions. For example, I wish I had a boom-operator who showed up for the shooting or at least answered his phone the days before we shoot… And also I wish I had some better equipment. But nevertheless I manage to record the sound efficiently.
During the mix, I separated three types of sounds. First I had all the direct sound to sync to the image, and then clean it the best way I can. Then I had The music and the voice-over that I mixed together, because I think it was the thing that give coherence to the film. And then the additional sounds, for example ambiances and sounds I recorded on my own, apart from the shooting.
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Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2008

Présentation anglais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Présentation anglais   Présentation anglais EmptyDim 7 Déc - 19:47

Voici ma présentation:

Last year I didn’t make a movie but I had a course on screenplay writing. We had to set up a group with three or four persons and imagine a feature film. We weren’t asked to write the whole screenplay but only a 3-pages synopsis and about five scenes. Every group had the same subject who was also a film’s title : Madame porte la culotte, by George Cukor (the original title is Adam’s rib).

We were four students who didn’t know each other but at the very beginning we were very enthusiastic about this project because we had many many ideas… And that was about to become the biggest problem. We discovered that it was very difficult to write anything together, because we had very different personalities, and even if we were all fond of cinema we hadn’t at all the same vision of it. For example, one of us wanted to write a bloody horror movie whereas another one preferred a gentle and sweet love story… In the end, luckily our synopsis doesn’t remind any of these first ideas.

But we had another problem : availability. We were several to work, and one member of the group even made a training course at the Comédie Française, so we could never meet together outside the university during the first weeks. Thus the project didn’t progress quickly. We all wanted something different and we hadn’t the time to discuss in detail the various ideas.

Finally, I was in a café with the only boy of the group and we decided to talk seriously about the project without the others. We began to imagine the story of a woman who chooses to leave her husband for another woman whereas she used to be the perfect housewife and control everything. We could think at this moment that the heroine’s girlfriend was going to wear the trousers in the house instead of her but not at all, she’s on the contrary too sensitive, too unstable, she neither controlled nor assumed her own life. This is the heroine’s daughter who controls everything, she didn’t accept her mother’s decision and she succeeds in breaking the new couple. Nobody will know that she was the real responsible one. Obviously we didn’t invent the whole movie in this café, we had to discuss many things together before we could complete the story but we already had the main characters and the broad lines.

We were so satisfied of ourselves that we remained several weeks without working on the story again. But then, we learnt that we should present our project much sooner than it was initially planned. We met during a whole week and we fought each other to put on paper our ideas, because everyone has something to defend and we spent much more time arguing than writing… We had to make the entire story coherent, many details had been neglected and it was hard to convince everybody that a given scene was judicious and not another…

At the beginning we had the naïve ambition to write the whole screenplay in order to make a real movie of it, but by the end of the week, we had completely forgotten this beautiful idea because the four of us were almost unable to work together efficiently…

However, I’m quite satisfied of our synopsis. It’s really a story made by four persons, I would have never written such one without the others’s contribution but I like it and I think it is coherent. I wish we could have had more time because in the end we weren’t able to write more than two scenes, but we succeeded in writing a story that pleased anyone, because we had used elements given by the four members of the group.

Laura Blazquez-Pachon (9h-11h)
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